B4IG Incubator – Vulnerability Index in Action

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Due to the social complexities of Brazil - a country with a high index of poverty and informal jobs, and at the same time one of the fastest growing economies in the world - classifying vulnerability at the individual level without stigmatizing individuals is challenging. To address this problem, L'Oréal, together with social research experts, developed a multi-criteria evaluation tool to define and sort vulnerability levels in their partners' workforce. During their participation in the acceleration program, the project wants

B4IG Incubator – La Collecte

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Valorizing second hand digital equipment to reduce digital exclusion and electronic waste. Due to the COVID crisis, being digitally connected has become more important than ever. While many companies are updating their digital equipment and don’t know what to do with their old devices, there are still many people who are digitally excluded because digital devices are too expensive. To address these discrepancies, the project La Collecte valorizes companies' second-hand digital equipment donations by transforming them into low-cost digital solutions

B4IG Incubator – Masi-Bambi-Sane

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In 2021, Danone launched a pilot project converting plastic waste to create desks for pre-schools to allow children to socially distance and be safe during the Covid pandemic. Every child had their own desk, a consideration taken for granted in many western societies. Sustaining such a project will require partnerships with like-minded industry partners, waste pickers and regulators to work together. This naturally led to Danone reaching out to B4IG to help them build a valued win-win model for all

B4IG Incubator- Digital Upskilling for Immigrant Youth

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ACCES is a Canadian employment organization currently working with Salesforce and Accenture on social barriers and roadblocks related to youth careers. They are addressing the need to create strong career development opportunities for immigrant and refugee youth by providing them with professional soft skills as well as digital upskilling with basic technology coupled with more advanced platforms.  After a pilot session, 80% of graduated participants have been hired. ACCES aims to foster partnerships at the B4IG coalition in order to

B4IG Incubator – La Passerelle

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Sodexo is setting up a multi-purpose facility to support social inclusion and improve employability in an underprivileged neighborhood. The Parisian suburb of Clichy Sous Bois is facing an unemployment rate of 30% and a lack of economic attractiveness. La Passerelle is a multi-purpose facility that provides a comprehensive business and social solution. It will contain a vegetable transformation unit, child care facilities, a training center, and a community space. The project aims at creating 20 direct jobs and increasing the

B4IG Incubator – Clean Energy Entrepreneurs

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Schneider Electric’s Clean Energy Micro-Enterprise Network program is creating an ecosystem of micro-entrepreneurs in India who make affordable, clean energy products available. Unemployed rural youth are trained to become entrepreneurs who provide energy solutions, such as solar lighting, in remote areas where they reduce energy poverty. At the same time, the program allows the entrepreneurs to earn a livelihood in their villages and to create jobs for additional people who deliver products and services. Schneider Electric has piloted the program in India and aims at

B4IG Incubator – The Coffee Fund

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Pret A Manger’s Coffee Fund addresses the declining youth involvement in coffee farming, by equipping the next generation of farmers with the tools they need to build a sustainable business. The average age of coffee farmers in the company’s network is over 65 years which, now more than ever, in the light of the impact of Covid-19, is a major challenge for the future of the sector. Each year, a group of approximately 65 young people from across Peru enroll

B4IG Incubator – Insurance Net for Smallholders

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L’Oreal and AXA teamed up to enhance smallholder farmers’ resilience to risk. Smallholder farmers around the world are vulnerable to the risks associated with hazardous meteorological events or unexpected health problems and they are often excluded from financial and insurance services. This lack of security net puts them at risk of falling into poverty. The Insurance Net for Smallholders (INES) project has been designed to reduce this vulnerability, by offering AXA's inclusive crop loss insurance and health insurance products to farmers

B4IG Incubator – Partnership for Sustainable Coffee

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The Partnership for Sustainable Coffee strengthens underserved smallholder coffee farmer businesses. The three-year project has built climate resilience and market competitiveness for over 180 coffee enterprises across Peru, Colombia, Honduras, Rwanda, Uganda, and Indonesia. The Partnership employs a four-pronged approach that combines private sector engagement with public sector investment to improve the lives of over 300,000 smallholder farmers through advisory services, access to credit, an innovative grant mechanism (“Resilience Funds”), and workshops to build market intelligence (“Extraordinary Coffee Workshops”). With

B4IG Incubator – Lemon Aide

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Making the circular economy an opportunity for value job creation. Lemon Aide has a dual objective of delivering a fully operational logistics skill set to long-term unemployed people, while improving recycling rate at their clients. Lemon Aide is an inclusive recycling enterprise that operates waste recycling via social inclusion and back-to-work programs. The company develops a network of recyclable waste collection in urban areas where unemployment rates are high and recycling performance is poor. Unemployed people are hired and join an