B4IG Newsletter

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B4IG Newsletter, October 28th, 2022 Edition In this issue:    B4IG published its Human Rights Toolbox on Agency Workers & Service Providers! B4IG published its Operational Recommendations on Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion!    OECD COP27 Virtual Pavilion and more! B4IG continues its work to equip member companies and the business community with operational and practical tools. This month, we were thrilled to publish two major achievements of the coalition, the Operational Recommendations on Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion and the Human Rights

B4IG publishes Operational Recommendations on Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion

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Businesses in today's world are expected to play a proactive role in advancing ethnic and racial Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in the workplace, in value chains and ecosystems. How can companies ensure that their strategies and work environments are inclusive and offer equal opportunities for all? How can D&I strategies be implemented across global organisations? More specifically, how can companies address ethnic and racial injustices in European markets where the legal structures and dialogues on the topic differ and manifest

B4IG publishes its Human Rights Toolbox on Agency Workers and Service Providers

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The latest International Labour Organisation’s 2021 Global Estimates indicate that 27.6 million people are entrapped in forced labour. Diverse crises in recent years – armed conflicts, COVID-19 pandemic, climate change – have led to unprecedented employment challenges, disruption in education, increase in extreme poverty, forced migration and a surge in inequalities. In line with the B4IG pledge on Inclusive Growth, to advance human rights in direct operations and supply chains by working to combat child labour and forced labour and

B4IG Newsletter

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B4IG Newsletter, September 20th, 2022 Edition In this issue: Let us take collective action on inclusive recycling! The Human Rights Toolbox on Agency Workers & Service Providers to be published this week! Agenda of the October 6th and 7th Internal workshop. and more! How to turn the ecological transition into an opportunity to create a more inclusive economy? The question, which is at the heart of the concept of Just Transition, is critical for the activity of solid waste management.

Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) Board Meeting

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The B4IG Coalition held its Board Meeting on June 23rd, co-chaired by Emmanuel Faber, Co-chair of B4IG, and Laurence Boone, OECD Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Economist. There were productive discussions amongst the participants, which included member companies’ CEOs and B4IG partners. The two key topics on the agenda were: living wage and social-related disclosures.   Living Wage: How to Scale Up? Following introductory remarks by Nicolas Hieronimus, CEO of L’Oréal, and Alan Jope, CEO of Unilever, Board Members shared the

B4IG publishes its Inclusive Sourcing Methodology

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Inclusive Sourcing has become a topic of interest as procurement activities and spend represent a significant opportunity for companies to promote inclusive practices and maximize their “inclusion footprint”. Yet, understanding and assessing the impact of your suppliers’ operations and the challenges they are experiencing is a complex task , especially for global businesses. How can companies help support and empower vulnerable workers within their supply chains? How can companies ensure inclusive practices are adopted in their supply chains and leverage

B4IG Newsletter

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B4IG Newsletter, May 25th, 2022 Edition In this issue: An outcome-based financing vehicle to support the inclusion of Ukrainian refugees in the workplace? The 2022 Incubation Program has started! Launch event for the B4IG Inclusive Sourcing Methodology. The business case for living wage. and more!   Corporations have shown exceptional leadership in supporting Ukrainians impacted by the war. They immediately undertook actions to support their staff and their families as well as donate products and services to the displaced and

The B4IG Incubator team is happy to announce that the 2022 Incubation Program has started!

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The Incubator pillar of B4IG is geared towards accelerating, piloting, and scaling-up new inclusive business models such as addressing diversity and inclusion challenges, access to essential goods and services, inclusive sourcing, and inclusive value chains and ecosystems. Since its launch in May 2020, the Incubator has had the opportunity to work closely with 22 project teams from diverse industries and geographies on their journey towards advancing their inclusive business initiatives. For this third year, we are pleased to welcome 11

B4IG publishes Responsible Transformation Guidelines to foster Corporate Responsibility for Inclusive Transitions

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Now that transformation is a permanent dimension of our economies, how can we ensure that any restructuring process considers socio-economic impacts and considers employees fairly, thereby avoiding the reinforcement of inequalities? To answer these questions and help members and the wider business community in this process, B4IG has brought together a Working Group on Responsible Transformation, led by Michelin and Unilever, and encompassing Accenture, Danone, JAB, Hitachi, and Schneider Electric. This group held several working sessions focusing on companies’

COMING SOON – B4IG Inclusive Sourcing Methodology

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Inclusive Sourcing has become a topic of growing interest for companies as procurement activities have the potential to strengthen business operations through supply chains. Following the adoption of the B4IG Inclusive Sourcing Methodology by the Board in December, Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) will shortly release the Methodology developed by the coalition under the leadership of L’Oréal. Inclusive Sourcing consists in supporting suppliers who provide access to work to individuals in vulnerable situations. By fostering access to decent work through