Project Description

B4IG ouvre la voie pour une relance inclusive. La coalition adopte une feuille de route ambitieuse appelant entreprises et gouvernements à coordonner leurs efforts et définir une approche commune pour lutter contre les inégalités que la crise économique et sociale actuelle a renforcées.

Paris – 12 novembre 2020 – Lancée par la Présidence française du G7 en août 2019, Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) est une coalition internationale menée par les présidents ou directeurs généraux de 40 entreprises multinationales engagées dans la lutte contre les inégalités. Avec l’OCDE comme partenaire stratégique, B4IG se coordonne avec les gouvernements pour faire progresser la croissance inclusive aussi bien au niveau mondial qu’au niveau local.

La coalition B4IG a tenu la réunion annuelle de son conseil d’administration le 12 novembre. Elle était coprésidée par Angel Gurría, Secrétaire général de l’OCDE, et Emmanuel Faber, Président directeur général de Danone, avec la participation des présidents et directeurs généraux membres de la coalition, Julie Sweet, DG d’Accenture ; Thomas Buberl, DG d’Axa ; Saori Dubourg, Membre du conseil d’administration de BASF SE ; Paul Hermelin, Président de Capgemini ; Philippe Brassac, DG de Crédit Agricole SA ; Richard Edelman, DG d’Edelman ; Olivier Goudet, DG de JAB ; Jamie Dimon, PDG de JPMorgan Chase ; Kyril Courboin, DG de J.P. Morgan France ; Robert Gamgort, Président exécutif du conseil d’administration et DG de Keurig Dr Pepper ; Jean Paul Agon, PDG de L’Oréal ; Grant Reid, PDG de Mars ; Florent Menegaux, DG de Michelin ; Brad Smith, Président de Microsoft ; Niren Chaudhary, DG de Panera Bread ; Jake Yamashita, PDG de Ricoh ; David Mills, DG Europe de Ricoh ; Denis Terrien, DG Europe de Salesforce ; Jean-Pascal Tricoire, PDG de Schneider-Electric ; Denis Machuel, DG de Sodexo ; Roger Ferguson, PDG de TIAA ; Alan Jope, DG d’Unilever. Le conseil d’administration a accueilli les nouveaux membres de la coalition Capgemini, Microsoft et Salesforce.

La pandémie du COVID-19 menace d’accroître les fractures économiques et sociales existantes. Cela se constate notamment sur le marché du travail, où les travailleurs les moins bien rémunérés sont ceux qui risquent le plus de perdre leur emploi. Selon une enquête harmonisée en temps réel sur 11 pays de l’OCDE, les travailleurs du premier quartile de revenus avaient en moyenne 50% de chances de plus de pouvoir travailler à domicile en avril 2020 que ceux du dernier quartile. À l’inverse, les travailleurs du quartile inférieur des revenus étaient deux fois plus susceptibles d’avoir interrompu leur activité professionnelle.

Dans un contexte où les travailleurs les plus vulnérables sont les plus touchés par la crise du COVID-19 et où plusieurs mouvements sociaux ont démontré la persistance de discriminations systémiques, la lutte contre les inégalités est plus nécessaire que jamais.

Les membres de la coalition ont adopté une feuille de route ambitieuse appelant les entreprises et les gouvernements à coordonner leurs efforts pour construire une relance inclusive :

Construire un avenir du travail inclusif et équitable

La crise économique actuelle nous oblige à rejeter la tentation d’un retour au business as usual. La feuille de route de B4IG pour un avenir du travail équitable et inclusif couvre quatre domaines d’intervention, définissant les priorités pour renforcer la résilience de long terme et lutter contre les inégalités systémiques :

  • Veiller à ce que les travailleurs soient formés pour l’avenir du travail et que personne ne soit laissé pour compte (soutenir la formation et les transitions des travailleurs dont l’emploi est menacé, intensifier l’apprentissage en milieu professionnel, en particulier pour les jeunes, et unir nos efforts pour améliorer un accès universel et à prix abordable aux infrastructures, aux outils, aux contenus et aux compétences numériques).
  • Veiller à ce que les restructurations soient mises en œuvre de manière responsable et inclusive (en initiant des actions collectives concrètes de la part des entreprises membres sur les enjeux d’une restructuration responsable).
  • Construire des environnements de travail plus inclusifs et respectueux de la diversité (en considérant la diversité dans son sens le plus large, incluant les considérations de genre, d’origine ethnique, de culture, de handicap ou d’orientation sexuelle, en s’attaquant aux préjugés et en agissant pour déstigmatiser les problèmes de santé mentale et soutenir activement le bien-être au travail).
  • Garantir de bons emplois avec des salaires décents et une protection sociale adéquate (en prenant des mesures pour faire progresser le concept de « salaire décent » – « living wage » – dans nos propres activités ainsi que dans nos chaînes d’approvisionnement, tout en relevant, avec les gouvernements, responsables des systèmes de protection sociale, le défi de la protection sociale en temps de crise).

Renforcer les fondamentaux

Face à la multiplication des violations des droits de l’homme et à l’accroissement de la vulnérabilité économique et sociale dans nos sociétés, le conseil d’administration de B4IG a souligné la nécessité de maintenir les avancées réalisées au cours des dernières décennies, dans les entreprises comme dans leurs chaînes d’approvisionnement, tout en définissant une feuille de progression sur :

Les droits de l’homme, en réaffirmant sa détermination à éliminer le travail des enfants et le travail forcé, et à respecter la liberté d’association.

Les politiques d’achats inclusifs (« inclusive sourcing »), en travaillant sur un modèle qui couvrira l’ensemble de la chaîne d’approvisionnement d’une entreprise

La mesure d’impact, clé du changement systémique

L’élaboration d’un cadre et d’une méthodologie de mesure pour évaluer l’impact est un engagement central du Manifeste B4IG. Les entreprises devront compléter leur reporting ESG par des mesures harmonisées qui évaluent les résultats et l’impact des activités de leur entreprises sur leurs employés, leurs clients, l’environnement et la société en général, et rendant compte des externalités positives et négatives.

La coalition appelle les gouvernements, les investisseurs et les entreprises à coopérer pour élaborer une approche commune de la mesure de l’impact, afin de compléter les indicateurs financiers de la performance des entreprises.

Encourager les projets inclusifs avec l’Incubateur

L’incubateur B4IG accompagne une sélection de projets inclusifs portés par des entreprises membres de B4IG, dans l’objectif de tester et de développer de nouvelles approches de la croissance inclusive. En 2020, l’incubateur a sélectionné une première cohorte de 12 projets situés dans divers secteurs d’activité et différentes zones géographiques. Qu’il s’agisse par exemple de faciliter l’accès aux soins médicaux à distance au Mexique (AXA), d’aider de petits exploitants agricoles à utiliser des drones pour protéger leurs cultures en Amérique latine (BASF) ou de favoriser l’insertion sociale par le recyclage et l’économie circulaire (Danone), ces projets visent tous à faire progresser la croissance inclusive à un niveau microéconomique.

Cependant, les enseignements tirés de ces projets dépassent les simples effets microéconomiques pour servir à plus grande échelle. En effet, grâce au programme d’accélération de l’incubateur, qui soutient les projets, notamment par du conseil personnalisé et des séances de mentorat entre pairs, ces solutions locales ont gagné en solidité pour se déployer dans davantage de régions et de secteurs économiques.

Financer une croissance inclusive

L’Inclusive Growth Financing Forum est l’un des piliers de la coalition B4IG. La coalition a défini une feuille de route visant à encourager le développement d’un écosystème financier soutenant les investissements dans la croissance inclusive, et ce à travers plusieurs actions :

  • Une place de marché de la croissance inclusive, l’Inclusive Growth Marketplace, dont la première édition a eu lieu le 11 novembre et qui se tiendra désormais plusieurs fois par an. Les porteurs de projets de croissance inclusive peuvent rencontrer des investisseurs d’impact pour trouver des financements.
  • La création d’Investors for Inclusive Growth, un regroupement d’investisseurs d’impact finançant ou souhaitant financer la croissance inclusive dans les pays développés.
  • La coalition étudiera avec Investors for Inclusive Growth la possibilité de lancer une ou plusieurs initiatives de financement de la croissance inclusive réunissant les secteurs public et privé autour d’opérations conjointes de financement de la croissance inclusive.

Emmanuel Faber, PDG de Danone et président du conseil d’administration de B4IG, a déclaré : « Je suis heureux d’avoir co-présidé la réunion annuelle de notre conseil d’administration avec le secrétaire général de l’OCDE, Angel Gurría. Avec les PDG des 40 entreprises représentées, nous avons passé en revue les progrès de cette première année de travail intense et réaffirmé notre mobilisation collective pour affronter la crise économique et sociale actuelle. En tant que dirigeants d’entreprises, nous travaillerons ensemble au sein de B4IG sur une feuille de route ambitieuse pour une reprise inclusive : B4IG est au cœur de nos actions pour construire un futur équitable, résilient et durable. Plus que jamais, nous avons un rôle clé à jouer, aux côtés des gouvernements, dans la lutte contre les inégalités. »

Angel Gurría, secrétaire général de l’OCDE et président du conseil d’administration de B4IG, a déclaré : « La pandémie du COVID-19 a engendré la pire crise sanitaire, économique et sociale de notre existence. Il s’agit d’une crise véritablement mondiale : aucun pays, aucune économie, aucune société n’a été épargné, et nul ne peut affronter ces défis de façon solitaire. Les gouvernements et les entreprises doivent travailler ensemble pour lutter contre les inégalités et assurer l’égalité des chances pour tous. B4IG donne une impulsion et une illustration tangible de ce à quoi pourrait ressembler cette réponse commune. Nous devons ouvrir la voie à un avenir fort et inclusif qui préserve notre planète, nos populations et notre prospérité. »

Voir dans l’annexe ci-dessous les initiatives que les entreprises membres de B4IG ont déjà prises dans ces directions et la feuille de route complète sur


 Contacts Presse :

  • Karina Galvez – / +33 (0) 6 26 09 01 54
  • Camille Chaffanjon – / +33 (0) 6 76 15 85 23


À propos de B4IG : Lancé par la présidence française du G7 en août 2019, Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) est une coalition mondiale dirigée par les PDG de 40 grandes entreprises qui luttent contre les inégalités de revenus et d’opportunités. Avec l’OCDE pour partenaire stratégique, B4IG coordonne ses actions avec les gouvernements pour faire progresser la croissance inclusive aussi bien au niveau mondial qu’au niveau local. Parmi les membres actuels, on compte : Accenture, Axa Group, Basf, BNP Paribas, Capgemini, Carecentrix, Cogeco, Crédit Agricole, Danone, Edelman, Engie SA, GINgroup, Goldman Sachs, Groupe CDC, Henkel, Ingka Group, J.P. Morgan, JAB, Johnson & Johnson, Kering, Keurig Dr Pepper, Legal And General Group, L’Oréal, Mars, Michelin, Microsoft, Panera Bread, Pret-A-Manger, Renault, Ricoh, Salesforce, Schneider-Electric, Sodexo, Suez, TIAA, UniCredit, Unilever, Veolia, Vinci, Ylva. Plus d’informations sur


Appendix. Inclusive Business Initiatives

Roadmap for an inclusive recovery

The Future of Work

  • Preparing for accelerated automation and restructuring
    • Accenture’s Inclusive Future of Work initiative targets workers who face the double disadvantage of vulnerability to automation and lack of access to training and transition support
    • Michelin ensures restructuring takes place in an inclusive and responsible manner. As a principle, when closing a site, Michelin aims at creating jobs and developing new opportunities for the workforce, to minimize potential negative impact on local communities.
    • Unilever’s Future Fit Plan is a methodology that helps people explore the skills they might need to reskill, upskill in line with their purpose and opportunities within or outside the company. This purposeful approach has been found to be very successful in motivating people to commit to lifelong learning.
  • Preparing for future growth sectors
    • BNP Paribas has introduced different programs to encourage the training and inclusion of young people from disadvantaged areas in “tomorrow’s industries” such as tech, in which women and young people from rural and modest areas are under-represented
    • Danone is working with the IUF, the global federation of unions in the food industry, to pioneer an innovative approach called “FutureSkills”. The objective of this joint initiative is to counter upcoming challenges and support Danone employees whose job may be at risk and who will need new skills by offering them the opportunity to be trained and upskilled for the jobs of the future. Throughout their long-term training program, they will remain Danone employees and keep their benefits.
    • Johnson & Johnson’s Bridge to Employment initiative partners with nonprofit FHI360 to help young people improve school attendance, enhance academic achievements, and gain awareness of career possibilities in healthcare.
    • Pret A Manger’s Coffee Fund addresses the declining youth involvement in coffee farming, by equipping the next generation of farmers with the tools they need to build a sustainable business. The average age of coffee farmers in the company’s network is over 65 years which, now more than ever, in the light of the impact of Covid-19, is a major challenge for the future of the sector. Each year, a group of approximately 65 young people from across Peru enroll in the course, which provides intensive training on smart technologies, improving crop yield and coffee quality, and adaptation to climate change, as well as a post-training support services (grants, loans). The program has direct links with the local cooperative to ensure career opportunities after graduation. The Coffee Fund is now in its 6th year and is having a real and lasting impact on the young people who have participated, with 94% of students having remained in coffee farming.
  • Bridging the digital divide
    • Microsoft is driving an initiative to help 25 million people worldwide acquire the digital skills needed in a COVID-19 economy. The initiative uses data to identify in-demand jobs and the skills needed to fill them; provides free access to learning paths and content to help people develop the skills these positions require; and delivers low-cost certifications and free job-seeking tools to help people who develop these skills pursue new jobs. In three months since its launch in July 2020, the initiative has reached 10 million learners.
    • Capgemini launched in 2019 a Digital Literacy stream of initiatives to impact a maximum number of beneficiaries by imparting foundational digital skills to enable them to take their first steps towards digital autonomy (In 2020 more than 100,000 Digital Literacy beneficiaries were impacted thanks to efforts from our local CSR teams and NGO partners in shifting projects online in the context of the current global crisis). In France Capgemini is partnering with WeTechCare and Emmaus Connect engaging the expertise of the employees by pro bono or volunteering actions to support these key players in the mission of bridging the digital divide. Capgemini launched also a Digital Inclusion module with a UK NGO partner, Digital Unite to help our colleagues understand Digital Inclusion and pledge to become Digital Champions being skilled and equipped as “helpers” to support the digitally excluded.
    • Ricoh has supported small and medium companies who weren’t equipped with the necessary digital tools to work from home since the start of 2020. In Japan, Ricoh provided a two-month free trial period of its remote working solutions and supported over 10,000 small and medium business to make the digital transition seamless. In Europe, Ricoh launched “SCALA” a 6- to 9-month talent development programme that will develop and up-skill delegates, providing specialist technical skills and expertise, along with an industry-recognised accreditation, to subsequently support the growing areas of Ricoh’s business.
    • Henkel’s digital upskilling and digital working initiatives have been adapted and accelerated in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Confinements have raised the importance of effective remote and flexible working, as well as digital learning programmes, and digital tools to ensure full business continuity independent from location.
    • Accenture provides courses to help unemployed workers develop digital skills, as well as providing hardware and connectivity to households lacking Internet access during confinement.
    • GINgroup’s “Digital Inclusion” programme in Mexico aims to collaborate in the development of open, inclusive, integrated and intelligent business ecosystems that promote electronic commerce and the digital economy in Mexico, through projects and programmes of dissemination, training and networking.

Diversity & Inclusion 

  • Strengthening commitment to a culture of equity and inclusion
    • Credit Agricole SA believes that, even if reducing social inequality is first and foremost a political issue and investors cannot replace governments, by investing in stocks from listed companies, we can play a part in contributing to the reduction of inequalities. Indeed, we believe all the major listed companies can widen or narrow social inequalities through their policies. And we, as investors, can influence their practices through disinvestment on one hand and dialogue on the other one. AMUNDI – through its subsidiary, CPR AM, has just launched a Social Fund called CPR Invest Social Impact, the world’s first global equity fund with a portfolio core fully integrating the social dimension. It is a unique investment solution on the theme of reducing inequalities based on homemade methodology to score companies and countries in terms of social inequality. CPR Invest – Social Impact is a global equity fund which selects companies that best contribute to social progress and inequality reduction worldwide. Its investment universe is defined through the evaluation made by CPR AM for each company on the different aspects of human resources and tax policies or ethical practices in relation to its country of origin. ESG & controversies filters complement the definition of the eligible universe. Its investment objective is to outperform global equity markets over a long-term period (minimum of five years) whilst integrating a sustainable approach with a particular but not exclusive focus on the social dimension.
    • TIAA launched its Inclusion Index in 2019, with a goal to create a simple metric, using the engagement survey, that leaders could use to measure inclusion, understand how they are showing up to their teams, and gauge how they compare to their peers.
    • Goldman Sachs has made a public commitment to require all companies they take public to have at least one diverse (women, Black or Hispanic/Latino) board director. This initiative commenced in July 2020 and will require two diverse directors by 2021. The commitment is driven by research that shows how diversity in board composition drives superior performance.
  • Fighting racism inside and outside the organisation
    • BASF has developed tools to cope with unconscious biases, which are one of the most important barriers to increase diversity in organisations.
    • JPMorgan Chase announced on October 8th new long-term commitments to advance racial equity. The firm will harness its expertise in business, policy and philanthropy and commit an additional $30 billion over the next five years to provide economic opportunity to underserved communities, with a focus on promoting affordable housing and homeownership, growing Black and Latinx-owned businesses, improving financial health and access to banking, and supporting employees.
    • Sodexo has joined the “Tent Partnership for Refugees” in 2018 and hires hundreds of refugees each year, and its employees provide mentorship and support with their job applications and resumes. With a long history of being discriminated against, such initiatives will be vital for refugees in the aftermath of the pandemic.
    • Salesforce has developed and implemented trainings and awareness sessions to address biases (such as “Having Racial Equality Conversations: Inclusive Language and Allyship) and has funded actions and organizations that bridge the gap for minorities, for instance:
      • Doubling our US representation of Black employees in our tech company leadership
      • $1.25M grant to bring diversity to the workforce
      • $200M to be donated to organizations advancing racial equality
      • $100M to be invested by Salesforce Ventures to Black and underrepresented minority founders
    • Supporting mental health
      • AXA has launched a program called ‘How are you?’ that seeks to reduce the stigma around mental health, upskill the support available to employees in need and encourage use of support
      • GINgroup has designed a platform that encompasses aspects that every human being must consider for their well-being and on which they must work to develop them and get closer to self-realization and happiness.

Living wage and social protection

  • Living wage measures
    • CareCentrix has pushed beyond the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour for entry-level jobs and announced in January 2015 a minimum base pay of $15/hour. Such increase in base pay was possible through senior management agreeing to freeze the salaries of 20 executives and investing the annual inflation adjustment into raising the wages of entry-level employees. CareCentrix minimum wage is now approaching $16.50/hour, and in 2019 the company broadened profit sharing to all levels.
    • L’Oréal launched its Employee Human Rights Policy in January 2020, which focuses on guaranteeing a living wage for its employees around the globe, in partnership with the Fair Wage Network. The Network provides L’Oréal with a comprehensive and up-to-date database that can be used to define, build and deploy a living wage strategy throughout its operations, for employees of L’Oréal and its suppliers. Ensuring a living wage means providing workers and their dependents with sufficient revenue for food, housing and basic needs, regardless of the country where they work.
    • Schneider Electric has enhanced its existing global benefit standards (Life, Health and Family Care) for all its employees worldwide in response to the COVID-19 crisis. + The company is committed to paying employees in the lower salary ranges at or above the living wage to meet their family’s basic needs, including food, housing, sanitation, education, healthcare, and discretionary income for local standards of living.
  • Upgrading Social Protection
    • Danone launched in 2010 the Dan’Cares program with the goal of providing all Danone employees with quality healthcare coverage of major risks, while taking account of different market practices. The three main risks are hospitalization and surgery, outpatient care and maternity care. About 70% of Danone employees live in emerging countries where healthcare systems are often expensive to access, and such coverage is not traditionally provided. In 2019, Dan’Cares was covering over 99,000 employees in 53 countries.
    • Engie’s Engie Care project was launched in June 2019 and parts of it were adapted and accelerated in response to COVID-19. The initiative offers a minimum base of social protection for all Group employees throughout the world, including subcontractors, and allows for effective management of benefits through a digital tool.

Impact Measurement, the key to systemic change

  • Impact valuation methodology
    • BASF has co-founded the Value Balancing Alliance (VBA) to develop an impact valuation methodology that goes beyond the existing financial dimensions in standard accounting practices, to incorporating monetized values for non-financial metrics. BASF and VBA have moved beyond the traditional reporting of input and output, to impact measurement covering outcome, impact (broader effect on society and nature), and finally value of impacts (monetization). They envision a value statement incorporating both financial and ESG dimensions that covers not only the company’s own operations, but also reflects upstream and downstream effects, essentially covering the entire value chain to show the positive and negative contributions overall.

Strengthening Fundamentals

  • Human Rights

As part of their resolve to eliminate forced labour and child labour, and to respect freedom of association, B4IG members are already implementing ambitious policies and initiatives relating to due diligence, social compliance and grievance mechanisms.

    • BASF has established a Human Rights Advisory Council, in which independent and international human rights experts advise BASF, in order to systematically integrate external expertise. The Human Rights Advisory Council promotes a constructive exchange on human rights, helps BASF to better understand different perspectives and address conflicting goals. In addition, the Council promotes the development of BASF’s human rights-related strengths as well as the potential for improvement.
    • Mars launched its Next Generation Supplier program focused on better engaging its suppliers as they deliver greater positive impact in their workplaces. Through this program, Mars supports certain suppliers of its top 10 raw materials, and other strategic suppliers, as they advance their performance through a new, longer-term model focused on driving systemic change and engagement of workers. This model leverages the expertise of external advisors, including Verité – a leading nonprofit and global expert on labour rights. As part of its commitment to building supplier capability, Mars periodically engage suppliers in awareness raising and third-party training initiatives in order to drive continuous improvements.
    • Schneider Electric, as part of its vigilance plan, is conducting a specific evaluation of its entire network of tier 1 suppliers (52,000+) through a third-party independent database which covers all natures of risks. The Group targeted to audit 350 of the 1500+ “high risk” supplier identified. Schneider’s audit questionnaire and methodology are fully aligned with the Responsible Business Alliance framework. This methodology has a strong dimension on Human Rights with specific categories on freely chosen employment, child labour or the existence of an adequate and effective grievance/complaint process. The objective of this audit plan is integrated in the 2018-2020 Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) which includes 21 key performance indicators and impacts the variable compensation part of 60,000+ employees. Schneider’s objective is to close 100% of all types of non-conformances identified, whatever their priority level
    • Sodexo is in its fifth year of a social compliance program in its sourcing of uniforms. This is a program which aims at support textile suppliers to advance their Respect for Human Rights. This program including audits conducted by experts (3rd party), corrective action plan. 100% of global providers were evaluated, including 100% in a follow-up audit. Through monitoring and improvement plans implemented with their partners over the last two years, suppliers have achieved a low level of risk. The audits that have been completed by auditors have all resulted in corrective action plans that are jointly followed up by Sodexo and the tier 1 supplier(s) and that have resulted in a least one corrective action. At the end there is no global supplier ranked as “high risk” because of the corrective actions that have been implemented.
    • In 2018, VINCI signed a Public-Private Partnership on Fair Recruitment in the Construction Sector with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Qatar. To fight debt bondage, a major factor contributing to the vulnerability of migrant workers, VINCI opened its door to the State of Qatar and the ILO Project office to let them closely examine how recruitment takes place in the construction sector, identify the gaps and develop a fair recruitment corridor between Bangladesh and Qatar. With the leverage and support of the ILO Project office, VINCI was able to embark its placement and recruitment agencies in the transformation of their recruitment practices, and developed an impact assessment study and toolkit. The end results of the partnership’s first pilot project will be shared at the end of 2020.


  • Inclusive Sourcing
    • Keurig Dr Pepper has a deep-rooted commitment to engage with its coffee supply chain on complex, long-term issues impacting farming families, and the company is on track to meet its 2020 goal to engage with one million people in its supply chain to significantly improve their lives. For 20 years, KDP has partnered with Root Capital, a nonprofit agricultural lender, to support financial training and critical advisory services to the organizations that small farmers rely on to market and sell their coffee to buyers like KDP. As one of the largest global purchasers of coffee, KDP embraces its responsibility to support farmers, and The Partnership for Sustainable Coffee, in particular, represents the company’s continued efforts to promote the inclusion of small holder farmers in its supply base. Because of this project, as of the end of 2019, 170 co-ops – representing over 310,000 farmers – received loans and/or financial training, among other impacts
    • L’Oréal solidarity sourcing program was launched in 2010 to embed inclusion policies in the company’s procurement decisions. The aim is to open the Group’s calls for tenders to companies that employ people in socially and economically vulnerable situations, allowing them to have durable access to work and income. The program is also geared toward companies that traditionally do not have access to large calls for tenders of multinational companies. Solidarity sourcing reflects L’ORÉAL’s commitment for sustainable inclusive growth.
    • Ylva has launched Inclusive construction site program. The goal of the work on inclusiveness is a construction site where people work together as a team, trusting each other and doing their best to ensure a successful result. Everyone is treated fairly and they get a decent pay for their work. Ylva’s view is that inclusion on construction sites is built on three pillars: fairness, cooperation and pride in one’s achievements. The program also aims to diminish the effects of grey economy. Ylva has also established a national steering group from different stakeholders such as labour unions and immigration officials, to co-create new best practices for construction industry. In order to ensure inclusion turns into reality, Ylva has introduced an anonymous whistleblowing-channel, through which each worker of all contractors can be in direct contact with Ylva’s top management.