Inclusive Workplaces2022-12-22T00:33:03+01:00


  • Integrate studies and best practices into collective actions and common guidelines in order to improve the performance of corporate diversity and inclusion actions of member companies.
  • Strengthening member companies’ restructuring processes and practices with the objective of limiting risks of long-term unemployment and preventing disproportionate negative externalities on certain categories of employees within the company and at a larger scale the local communities.
  • Collectively develop and deploy digital inclusion initiatives to innovate and support the development of basic, intermediate, and technical skills with the objective of contributing to bridging the digital divide.

Workstreams & WG leads

  • Resourcing companies with tools to improve Diversity & Inclusion practices with an initial focus on Ethnic Diversity.
  • Ensuring responsible transformations through practical guidelines that promote social dialogue and inclusive actions.


Incubator Projects

B4IG Incubator – INCLÚYETE

INCLÚYETE promotes and facilitates the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. It is through a marketplace platform that the project works and connects with corporations

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