B4IG publishes Operational Recommendations on Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion

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Businesses in today's world are expected to play a proactive role in advancing ethnic and racial Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in the workplace, in value chains and ecosystems. How can companies ensure that their strategies and work environments are inclusive and offer equal opportunities for all? How can D&I strategies be implemented across global organisations? More specifically, how can companies address ethnic and racial injustices in European markets where the legal structures and dialogues on the topic differ and manifest

B4IG publishes Responsible Transformation Guidelines to foster Corporate Responsibility for Inclusive Transitions

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Now that transformation is a permanent dimension of our economies, how can we ensure that any restructuring process considers socio-economic impacts and considers employees fairly, thereby avoiding the reinforcement of inequalities? To answer these questions and help members and the wider business community in this process, B4IG has brought together a Working Group on Responsible Transformation, led by Michelin and Unilever, and encompassing Accenture, Danone, JAB, Hitachi, and Schneider Electric. This group held several working sessions focusing on companies’

B4IG calls to put people at the heart of climate action

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Paris – November 8, 2021 – As governments, businesses, experts, and non-governmental organisations are gathering in Glasgow for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), the B4IG coalition calls to put people at the heart of climate action. Climate change and climate strategies and policies have the potential to cause major social repercussions which need to be addressed in a systematic manner to ensure that no one is left behind. The coalition has adopted a statement on

Building an Inclusive Recovery : the B4IG coalition’s roadmap

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This position paper clarifies the ambitions of the B4IG coalition through a roadmap built in collaboration with the member companies to advance Inclusive Growth. It covers key areas of action on which members are willing to work to implement the B4IG Pledge that is anchored in three objectives that are fundamental to inclusive business: advancing human rights in direct operations and supply chains; building inclusive workplaces; and promoting inclusion in company value chains and business ecosystems. Read the full pdf

To Recovery & Beyond: Building an Equitable and Inclusive Future of Work

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This position paper clarifies the ambitions of the B4IG coalition through a roadmap built in collaboration with the member companies to advance Inclusive Growth. It has been prepared by the Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) coalition of companies, in collaboration with the OECD. Specifically, the paper has been written by the B4IG Working Group on Inclusive Workplaces, chaired by Accenture. Below is the executive summary : read the full paper here. A Moment of Awakening The global economy stands at a